Monday, October 12, 2009

Speaking of Hygene

It is inevitable that I feel the need to bath on occasion. Well that isn't true, I feel the need to bath frequently, but the stars must aligned for a shower to take place.

When Liam was a newborn I could put him on his bouncy chair and take him into the bathroom and he'd usually sleep. If he didn't, he'd totally just stare into space with his brow furrowed.

Then the bouncy chair was wasn't cool, he was all "this is lame, where are the lights, the noise, the action?" (is it a wonder everyone loves Vegas?)

So we moved on to the play mat. It was awesome. He'd stare into the wide world and hit the crap out of his little dangeling elephant. Then, last week I went into the shower and came out to a scream. I ran wet and nekkid into the bedroom where I was thinking that he was dying. If you asked him he might as well have been. But he wasn't (dying that is.) My clever little child had decided that it was time he rolled over onto his belly and check things out from that perspective. Except, well, he got stuck. He was a little pretzle, tummy on mat, face on mat, shoulder-well that was still facing his side. He was PISSED. Woops. sorry bebe.

Mommy will never shower again.

And I didn't, for a day (or few)

Then I broke down. The looks of disgust from my family did it really.

The next shower attempt I smartened up (ha!) We played all morning (roll over success!) We ate some boob, we got all nice and tuckered out. I put him down for a nap and tip toed downstairs. Drank a cup of much needed caffeine and jumped in the shower.

It was heaven. Hot and steamy and clean. I rinsed lathered and repeated.


Then I step out of the shower to hear crying and screaming on the montior. Mr. Nonaps decided sleeping wasn't in the cards. I grabbed a bathrobe this time and ran up to his room to stop the great flood of tears running down his cheeks, his very, very yummy cheeks.


So now the shower is a luxury. On the weekends Justin askes me if there is anything I need to get done. "Take a shower," is the first thing out of my mouth. And those showers are the ones of dreams,  you know longer then 5 minutes.

 During the week though, I still am playing roulette with my shower time. Shaving? That is an either or thing, the pits or the legs, never both.

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